(1) OpEd

The Blogosphere

(Click the screenshot to read the article.)

David got his article published on a blog. He found out about the venue by asking an expert (in this case, his grandparents) who connected him to the source. (This is a good tip: ask someone who's in the know.)

The Daily Universe

Submit your OpEd here: letters@byu.edu

And some extra tips:
  1. Delete your MLA header.
  2. Add me as a BCC recipient. (BLIND carbon copy.)
  3. Write an intelligent subject line. 
  4. In your email, write a message to the editor explaining why this is a timely/important issue.
  5. Remember it's a real letter to a real person. Say hi. Introduce yourself. Be friendly. Etc. (Treat the editor like a person.)
  6. Paste your article into the body of the email.
  7. Sign with your name and hometown.


The letter needs to be less than —- words, clean sent in the body of an email to this email address and must include your true name and hometown.

As to the topic, write about something you're passionate about or something you want to see changed on campus. Anything goes as long as it is appropriate.

Best of Luck,

Allie McCoy
Opinion Editor
The Daily Universe