(3) Issues Paper

What is the Issues Paper?
  • 8-10 pages
  • 5 sources (and they better be good sources)
  • Related to Religion or ethics
  • Perfect MLA citations
  • An argument (not just a statement of fact)
  • Addresses counterarguments

  • Hook the reader
  • State your objective ("I want to convince you that...")
  • Give an overview of the issue
  • Define your terms
  • Make your arguments
  • Address counterarguments
  • Conclude (tie this to the hook)
NOTE: You're required to have subheadings throughout your essay.

  • You should have some expertise on your topic even without doing any research.
  • Find an expert on your topic--whether it be a professor, a friend, a parent, or a subject librarian. They'll help you get to the good stuff quickly.
  • Start with a specific topic, and if you run out of material, expand your topic (but only slightly). This works much better than starting broad and trying to narrow it as you write.
  • Make sure your essay is divided into sections with headings.
  • If you pair up with someone on a topic, it will help your research and your argument. (You'll still write two separate papers though.)

Annotated Bibliography
  1. Have 5 credible sources. (Finding five simple websites on Google isn't enough.)
  2. Make sure it follows MLA standards perfectly. (See Penguin 67-105.)
  3. Write a useful summary. (Describe the author, audience, argument. Then explain how the source helps your argument.)
The annotated bibliography is worth 30 points. If an entry doesn't have all 3 of these, that entry gets a zero. Here's an example (don't forget the hanging indentations):